Acupuncture is a safe, effective and natural alternative therapy that is used to heal illnesses, prevent disease and improve well being.
Here in the West, unfortunately, acupuncture is often used as a last resort, when the ailment has already hit. In the East, it is considered preventative therapy as well as a remedy to ailments. Gradually, here in the West, people are beginning to catch on that acupuncture keeps them well... but most people still think they need to have something wrong to come in for a treatment!
Acupuncture is very effective at treating pain of any sort, as discussed on the "Pain Management Acupuncture" page. In my clinic, I regularly treat sports injuries, broken bones and sprains, joint pains of any sort, arthritis, neck pain, back pain, sciatica, carpal tunnel, neurological pain, migraines, Lyme Disease, Fibromyalgia, TMJ, Trigeminal Neuralgia, plantar fasciitis, knee pain, hip pain - you name it and I probably treat it!
I also specialize in fertility / infertility acupuncture - and this includes natural fertility, and as an adjunct to clomid cycles, IUI, IVF, FET, Egg donor cycles. (Please refer to "Fertility Acupuncture" page.
Acupuncture is also great for helping to manage stress, insomnia, and to help with general well-being and balance. Many people just come in for regular maintenance sessions because it makes them feel better and improves their quality of life. They just love acupuncture and find it to be the most relaxing experience in the world!
I do treat much more than what I have just listed, and I find acupuncture to be successful in treating so many ailments! Please see the list below as well as this link:
The American Academy of Medical Acupuncture (2004) states: "In the United States, acupuncture has its greatest success and acceptance in the treatment of musculoskeletal pain." They say that acupuncture may be considered as a complementary therapy for the conditions in the list below, noting: "Most of these indications are supported by textbooks or at least 1 journal article. However, definitive conclusions based on research findings are rare because the state of acupuncture research is poor but improving."
Abdominal distention/flatulence
Acute and chronic pain control
Allergic sinusitis
Anesthesia for high-risk patients or patients with previous adverse responses to anesthetics
Anxiety, fright, panic
Atypical chest pain (negative workup)
Bursitis, tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome
Certain functional gastrointestinal disorders (nausea and vomiting, esophageal spasm, hyperacidity, irritable bowel)
Cervical and lumbar spine syndromes
Constipation, diarrhea
Cough with contraindications for narcotics
Detox / addiction acupuncture
Dysmenorrhea, pelvic pain
Frozen shoulder
Headache (migraine and tension-type), vertigo (Meniere's disease), tinnitus
Idiopathic palpitations, sinus tachycardia
Fractures, assisting in pain control, edema, and enhancing healing process
Muscle spasms, tremors, tics, contractures
Neuralgias (trigeminal, herpes zoster, postherpetic pain, other)
Persistent hiccups
Phantom pain
Plantar fasciitis
Post-traumatic and post-operative ileus
Selected dermatoses (urticaria, pruritus, eczema, psoriasis)
Sequelae of stroke syndrome (aphasia, hemiplegia)
Seventh nerve palsy
Sprains and contusions
Temporal-mandibular joint derangement, bruxism
Urinary incontinence, retention (neurogenic, spastic, adverse drug effect)
Weight Loss